San Francisco, CA (KP) - Some call him the 72 incarnate of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, others an avtaar of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The person in question is no other than the controversial Saadh, known as Maan Pehowa.
His followers prove their devotion by worshipping him like a 'deh-dhaaree' Guru. He rides on chariots under a palanquin and his chelas pay their obeisance by bowing down and as Sikhs do in front of Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
Note: Sikhs are prohibited to bow down in front of any living entity or person, except Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
Below are examples of his followers overzealous efforts to promote this Saadh to the level of a Guru :
After being picked up from an Airport, Maan Sinh rode on a rath (royal chariot) with a chhattar (royal umbrella). Perfumes and flower petals thrown in any direct he moved.
A special 'diwan' was held where Maan Sinh sat on a stage his followers bowed in front of him as he was a Guru. The followers always sit lower than him during such diwans.
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An incarnate of the Guru ?
An ex-devotee of Maan Pehowa shared with Panthic Weekly a sketch (left) he made of the Saadh when he was asked to represent him in Guru Gobind Singh Ji's likeness (right) as depicted by artist Sobha Singh. The ex-devotee now regrets creating such likeness to Guru Sahib and shared this as an example of the brainwashing conducted by the 'Baba' and his keys chelas on the innocent Sikh public.
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Don't blame him. Blame oursselves which have forgotten about teaching of our GURU JI's which states GURU MANIYO GRANTH.
We don't obey or follow GURU GARANTH SAHIB Ji.
It has been turned over as Statue only by our Leaders, Granthis and Gurdwaras Committies.
It is so important to all human beings not to be taken by the cult of apearance or the cult of personality...all Sikh Guru's have given this lesson by stimulating people to see God in their hearts...It is wonderful to witness human souls that give high examples of dignity and purity...but it is up to us all not to install altars of ego cult or psycological dependency on other fellow men. All this misleads and covers the eyes, creating more obstacles in the relation with our divine creator.