Puedo-Baba Mann Pehowa in kacherra and tshirt holding his 'mehfil' with young Bibis at his dera
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CHANDIGARH, PUNJAB (KP) – At a news conference held in Chandigarh this past week, Retired Colonel GurbirInder Singh (GS) Sandhu of the Majha Ex-Servicemen Front demanded the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) and Sri Akal Takht Sahib to take strict action against the controversial pseudo-baba Pehowa.
Several former associates of Pehowa Vala, some whom have known him for over fourteen years, also spoke at the conference to confirm the allegations of rape facing Mann Sinh. The panel of speakers included Sahib Singh, Jagtar Singh, Tirath Singh and Kuldip Singh.
Col. GS Sandhu (center), flanked by Bh. Sahib Singh and an associate during the Chandigraph press conference exposing Sadh Mann Pehowa
Sandhu stated they have received numerous complaints against the so-called Baba for immoral, unethical, inhuman and characterless behavior, along with evidence and police reports from foreign and domestic authorities. He noted how several women who were victims of sexual assault and rape by Pehowa Vala have come forth with notarized affidavits.
The Colonel also pointed out the negligent attitude shown by religious institutions and government agencies in dealing with such babas, in spite of all the credible evidence.
Furthermore, he made a pressing appeal was made to Sarbjot Singh Bedi of the Sant Samaj to take action against the unmarried 52 year old baba who is “committing immoral acts against our sisters and daughters” in his three deras of Pehowa, Dhinna, and Phul.
Sahib Singh (see speech) of Rupalherri, Fatehgarh Sahib, Jagtar Singh from Paddi, and Tirath Singh from BudhaPur, and Kuldip Singh from Jhallian detailed that the Baba would entice his followers with “kirtan” and then eventually commit immoral acts with the women at a private venue.
They also charged that using the Sangat’s donations this baba has bought over 350 acres of land near his 3 deras using various deceitful tactics which include the use of threats and land grabs.
The ex-serviceman put the SGPC and Panthic organizations on notice that he and his colleagues are working to expose the corrupt pakhandi babas in Punjab and Haryana, and that after exposing the fake-Nihang Poohla, that now they are focusing their efforts on launching a morcha (agitation) against ‘baba’ Maan Sinh and the Nimral Dera of Johlanwalay.
The Khalsa Alliance, who played an instrumental role in exposing Daljit Chicago Baba, asserted that even if Pehowa Vala is brought before Akal Takht Sahib, it is likely that he will be vindicated by the current corrupt leadership in the same they allowed convicted child rapist, Dhanwant Singh and Chicago Baba to go free without any reprimand. The Alliance maintained that the process should be open and transparent with proper Panthic oversight.
Baba's California Visit a Total Failure
Meanwhile, Mann Pehowa's California visit has become a publicity disaster for him and his followers. The final blow came when their last ditch attempt to keep programs at two Southern California deras also failed. The private deras cancelled his programs fearing public backlash. For the last several days the Baba has been holding his 'diwans' at private until he leaves the states early next week.
Dear Editor,
I checked up with , a trucker of Modesto, who invited MANN PEHOWA in California.
He told me that GURDWARAS have refused to allow kirtan of this Saadh but Private persons will arrange it.
I was delighted to know that SIKH SANGAT is vigilant now but in 1993, I found SANT JAGEREWALA and other SAADHS being welcomed in USA/CANADA.
Well done Colonel SANDHU! and PANTHIC WEEKLY!
Mann Singh is making another tour in the United States starting in New York at the end of December. After New York, he is planning to come out to Sacramento. Mann Singh did not fare well in Australia as the sikhs threw eggs and tomatoes on the vehicles. This was costly for this phony baba. I met this baba in November at his dera in Pehowa and I was not impressed. My mother considers this sadh to be god. I consider him to be the anti-christ. This demon uses literature from the (Guru) Granth Sahib to make money and mislead people. Real sadhs do not take money and mislead people. Mann Singh is backed by the India Government to mislead sikhs all over the world. I do not consider Mann Singh to a real Sikh and instead consider him to be working for the indian government.
I believe Mann Singh is a rapist and should be punished for his crimes. He hides in India where he is well protected by the Indian government and Akali dal. Mann Singh will be in the United States for January and February. He will be in his deras in New York and Sacramento. Lets stop this demon.
baba mann is bad baba i know him last 20 and i never liked him he demand for money he is bad