Essex, UK (KP) – With great shock, shame and disgust, Khalsa Press has been informed that on Sunday 30th May 2010, the 12 member Committee of Grays Gurdwara were overruled by the local sangat who ignorantly voted to allow the serving of meat and alcohol at parties that would be held at the premises of the Gurdwara complex.
Eight of the twelve Gurdwara committee members were against the proposal to allow meat, alcohol and parties at the annexed hall within the Gurdwara complex, however four members were in favour. The four members managed to influence the remaining committee to have an Annual General Meeting open to the local Sangat, in which they strategically placed a large number of their family members within the voting sangat who were then able to swing the vote in their favour.
Although common sense for any Sikh, the Akal Takht Sandesh of 2006 strictly forbade meat, alcohol, intoxicants, singing, dancing or any activities that go against the principles of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji on any property owned or controlled by a Gurdwara Sahib. The Akal Takht Sandesh was articulately presented to the local Grays sangat, however the Sandesh was completely ignored and disrespected by the voting Sangat.
Around nine independent individuals from the wider UK sangat (not from Grays) attended the AGM but were not allowed to participate in the vote and were later verbally and physically abused as they questioned the sacrilegious decision made by the local sangat. One of the individuals had his turban pulled and was then assaulted by members of the local Grays sangat as he left the Gurdwara hall after voicing his concerns.
Subsequently, at the end of this AGM a sub committee was formalised to manage the bookings of this Gurdwara annexed hall. The sub committee is to be headed by a committee member Kewal Singh Grewal.
The entire Sikh Sangat must wake up to this gross violation of Gurmat and disrespect of the sanctity of the Guru’s House. We have received various reports that a small group of individuals in the Leamington & Warwick sangat are stirring trouble and wish to overrule the Gurdwara resolutions passed last year by the Gurdwara Committee which stated that no alcohol, meat or parties could be held on the Gurdwara premises or any building owned by the Gurdwara Sahib.
Sri Akal Takht Sahib Sandesh prohibiting
meat, alcohol, and drugs on Gurdwara premises
Individuals and groups that seek to overrule Gurmat and violate the sanctity of the Guru Ghar for their own benefit will be exposed to the worldwide Sikh community and their names will be brought to the light of the Sri Akal Takht.
Details of the Gurdwara Sahib in question from the Charity Commission website:
Grays Gurdwara (Sikh Temple) Details:
President : Gurdip Singh
Registered Charity Number: 1123363
Category : Religious activities
Address: 6 Maidstone Road Grays Essex RM17 6NF
Tel: 01375 376086
Aims & Objectives:
The Objects:
The charity’s objects (the objects) are
1) The advancement and practice of the Sikh religion;
2) Advancement of education in the subject of Sikhism and the Punjabi language; and
3) Provision and maintenance of a hall for recreation or other leisure activities in the interests of social welfare with the object of improving the conditions of life for the inhabitants of the area of benefit. For all the above the area of benefit is the public in the borough of Thurrock and surrounding areas.
It hurts. What else to say...spiritual deprivation eventually manifests itself....small little principles has bigger impact in our lives if followed in heart and mind...which becomes difficult 'sometimes'.
Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh
Thank you for the article... As the punjabis of Grays do not respect or love their Guru, can we have another meeting to vote to have all saroops of Guru Maharaj removed... they have already voted in the element(s) they want within the complex, so one sees no objection from the people of Grays to this particular vote.
Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh
Absolutley Disgraceful, Mahamoorakhs!
This Hideous and fills me with disgust.
What are some of or Gurdwara Sevdaars up to? Trying to destroy our Panth .
Action should be taken by Sikhs throughout the UK against these crimes in the name of a gurdwara
You know.. this is completely unsurprising. For years, I myself have been stating that if you allow patits and people who cut their hair and beards to come into gurdwaras and sit amongst the sangat and do seva without condemning them, (as responsible Sikh leaders should), this is exactly the type of nonsense that happens. When they come into our gurdwaras, we say absolutely nothing to them, and have this silly impression that if they just keep listening to Paath, they will change, it doesn't work like that.
You cannot be a hypocrite. You cannot allow patits and alcohol and meat sympathizers to infiltrate every part of your gurdwara in terms of seva, and langar, etc..., and then complain when they want to bring meat and alcohol into the gurdwara.
Wahiguru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahiguru Ji Ki Fateh
In Delhi, Sarna started this "tradition". West is just following, such Gurdwaras will get priests trained at Sikh Missionary sorry Comredi Sikh collages.
That is the black day in history of England.
When the approved alcohol in gurughar
Shame that Parbandhak
What is the world coming to, my sister attended the meeting at the Grays Gurdwara, she said she was shocked to see that only a handful of the sangat actually backed the paardan (Mr Gurdip Singh)when he said under no circumstance are we going to use the hall for parties.
We should be there to support Mr Gurdip Singh to put these people in their place and not to let these selfish people bring dishonour to our religion.
MEAT AND ALCOHOL ALLOWED IN A GURDWARA EVEN THE THOUGHT OF THIS ABNOXIUS THIS IS JUST GREAT YOU KNOW WE ARE HERE IN CANADA AND ALL WE CAN DO about this is twiddle our thumbs and wait for something to happen. But no, we need a leader and now otherwise we are going to die like a snake without its head. If there is someone there in England to represent the Sikh soceity please do it now and help yourselves realize who you truly are Sikhs not some next white person.
waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh..... mission ban on wine shops & meat shops in the holy city of amritsar... 2 ..stop the selling of gurbani on the stalls outside gurudwara sahib, no one can give keemat of gurbaani,, gurbaani is not for sale it should be given respectfuly in the gurudwara sahib...3..justice 1984 no begging only fight back khalsa sirf apne guru kolo beekh mangda hai...4..pulout politics from gurudwara sahib..5..gareeb ka mooh guru ki goolak help needy people...
waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh.....
appa india wich hege aa ... agar ethe eh gal hondi chhitar kut kut ke enada sir ganja kar dende...
ja ta sahnu london bulaao .. khalsa akaal purakh ki fauj..na hi galat karna hai na hi galat hoon dena hai... sangat ji ardass kar ke chadaai kar deyo... if u dont stop it u will find the next gurudwara doing the same very soon...
The very act of voting on allowing meat and drinks in a premises related with a Gurdwara, is defective.
As a matter of fact, the election could be held only for management of the Gurdwara according to the universally accepted Maryada.
The committee should immediately void this election as it can't be validated under any rules of Maryada. The establishment of a Gurdwara requires an agreement to follow Maryada. The voting violates initial agreement, and can't be accepted under any circumstances.
Wjkk Wjkf
This is an outrage, sick minded people in gurdwara committees. They have no value for the Sikh Panth they should be ashamed to even THINK there Sikhs. But whatever soon there will be another revolution and Sikhs will wake up! And these fools WILL learn a lesson and be brought to justice. Bhull chuk maaf
Wjkk wjkkf
Waheguru g ka khalsa waheguru g ki fateh , totally heart bursting news....this kind of things are actually making our generation away from our Sikh principles...and those who are responsible for that should b punished.
kurh pheery pardhan ve laalo, "
dashmesh pita ji ne masanda nu kadahe vich pa ke taleya c, meri jaache ehna naal v ehi hona chahida...
Thanks Gurdip Singh ji for standing against it. Has anybody yet contacted Sikh TV? I would suggest having a sikh congregation in Grays where all sikhs from around the Uk will participate. But these announcements need to reach local sikhs first. Sikh TV is the answer...
by eating animals their mind have started doing activities like animals sikh sangat of uk should oppose of it bcoz this is the fire which is just started so take control on it