CHANDIGARH - The Punjab Police seems be at it again, doing what it does best - lying, fabricating allegations, planting evidence, and falsely implicating innocent men and women in order to gain cheap publicity.
Last week the Punjab Police and their Delhi counterparts sent out an international alert that Sikh "militants" and "terrorists" had successfully setup a terror base in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Within hours, the Malaysian authorities denounced the allegations that their country was being used as a "terror" base by anyone, let alone Sikhs.
"There is no evidence to support a recent claim by the Punjab police that the Sikh separatist group Khalistan Liberation Force (KLF) has set up base outside Kuala Lumpur, said a senior-ranking police officer."
“We can confirm there is no such group based here,” said Federal Special Task Force (Operations and Counter Terrorism) department director Commissioner Datuk Mohamed Fuzi Harun in a press statement" - The StarOnline (Malaysia)
Press coverage of statement by Malaysian authorities:
No proof of Sikh group base here, say police
Sikh separatist group has made base here
No proof of Sikh militant group base in Malaysia
For the past few weeks similar announcements have been made by the Indian authorities in which Sikhs have labeled as anti-nationals who could "disrupt" or "attack" the upcoming Commonwealth Games that India is hosting. There types of reports are bringing back bitter memories of the 1982 Asian Games when hundreds of Sikhs were arrested and publicly beaten and humiliated uder the guise that they were a threat to those hosted games.
See: India's Modus Operandi : BEWARE OF THE SIKH BOGEYMAN.
In a similar high drama fashion, the Punjab Police announced arrest of several more members of Babbar Khalsa activists less than two weeks ago to stir up anti-Sikh sentiments under the guise of “anti-nationalist” activities.
This week, another publicity stunt was launched by the Punjab Police claiming that several more Sikhs were arrested and their plans to "disrupt" the upcoming Commonwealth Games in Delhi.
One of the individuals arrested was Pal (Pala) Singh, a citizen of France. While the State Special Operation Cell (SSOC), an intelligence wing of the Punjab Police, claimed that they had arrested Pala Singh on Wednesday, July 28th, incidentally, there already a Facebook page up on Monday, July 26th, detailing his arrest on July 22nd and once on July 18th.
Name: Free Pal Singh
Category: Organizations - Advocacy Organizations
Description: Respected Pal Singh lovingly known as Bhai Pala Singh a French National whom had gone to Punjab to serve humanity.
He was picked up by police on 22 July 2010, they came again at around 1:00PM and took Pal Singh, his car, laptop and other belongings. The next day on 23 July 2010, they raided his house with his brother, young children and a handicapped young man living with Pal Singh.Privacy Type:Open: All content is public..Contact Info ..
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He was first picked up from his fields at around 7pm on 18-July-2010. He was returned next day only to be picked up again.On 22 July 2010, they came again at around 1:00PM and took Pal Singh, his car, laptop and other belongings. The next day on 23 July 2010, they raided his house with his brother, young children and a handicapped young man living with Pal Singh.
Pal Singh is an elderly spiritual man who’s given up comforts of living in west to go back to promote spiritual life style without drugs, drink and other intoxicants to which Punjab youth are increasingly addicted to.
PLEASE write to your local representative to urge Government of India to Free Pal Singh.
The fact that this Facebook page was launched prior to the announced "arrest" by the Punjab Police is clear evidence that the Punjab Police has fabricated the time-lines and details of the arrests. Clearly, his family and the Sikh community was aware of his arrest - the Facebook update stamps can not be manipulated or fabricated.
More about Bhai Pala Singh : Bhai Pal Singh—the Sikh preacher and social reformer
Another high profile individual named by the Police was was Narain Singh Chaura, a writer and author of various books related to the Sikh cause.
The weapons shown in the picture are that of the police itself. It is high time that peaceful protests are not made. Look what happened in Ludhiana 2009. Our Sikh youth participated peacefully and the police opened fire. On top of that false claims to how many had died were made by the "thug police".
I hate to see these bloody rat shaven; partly covered faces with beard, lying for the sake of freaking money; being paid by the Government. If I get a chance, I would never spare these people for the sake of their living!
Punjab Police seem to be totally affected by intoxicants; these Dumb A***s do not even realize or care for the rights of a Human being. These simply can create False Reports and Kill Gursikhs in Fake Encounters. Any place that hosts Anti Sikh program, these freaking men would already be present over there to provide DAMN SECURITY!!
There seems to be a trend in Punjab Police, to be lookalike of Sunny Deol; thereby these fools get their beard trimmed! But they never realize the kind of UGLY FACES they have!!
I whole heartedly hate to see them; and at times think of them as Animals!
NEVER TRUST THESE MEN, They are all STABBERS! They have not just stabbed their Religion, but also the basics of Human Living!