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The story of Bhai Taru Singh is one of a true Saint Soldier who lived during an extremely difficult period for the Sikhs during the Mughal reign of the 18th century.
Bhai Taru Singh Ji's saintly nature earned him the respect of all Hindus and Muslims from the surrounding villages. Being a true Khalsa, Bhai Sahib served those Gursikhs who lived in the jungles and fought against Mughal oppression.
Bhai Sahib and his companions, bravely stood up to the brutal Mughal regime and risked their lives to save a poor Muslim girl from the clutches of an evil Mughal official of the area, for which Bhai Sahib was arrested by the Governor of Lahore and punished.
Bhai Taru Singh, the movie, is a sincere attempt to evoke the Spirit of the Warrior-Saint, through the life of legendary Bhai Taru Singh jee.
Extract of review by Hardeep Singh, Atlanta, GA :
The movie rejuvenated the essence behind the phrase in a Sikh Ardaas, ‘Jina Singha Singhnia ney Dharam heyth, Sis Ditey, ………Khopriya Utarvayeea ……' All of us give a due respect to this phrase, but after watching the movie, beyond our lips, our hearts and souls will always bow to the martyrdom of Bhai Taru Singh jee.
The screenplay portrayed the legend of Bhai Taru Singh from 18th century Sikh History and brought it alive in our hearts where it shall live forever. Any individual, of any faith, who will watch this movie, will experience the character of Khalsa – the Warrior-Saint – as innovated and established by Guru Gobind Singh jee.
The movie displays the lifestyle of Bhai Sahib Jee, as an amalgam of devotion and defiance in one being (Bhakti tey Shakti) highlighting his spiritually centered life along with his social contributions. The calmness in Bhai Sahib’s personality goes hand in hand with the display of courage in his acts and his attitude. This movie revisits the historical facts regarding the atrocities of the tyrant Mogul regime against both Sikhs and non-Sikhs, and the barbaric ruler’s attempt to eradicate Sikhi and forcefully convert others to Islam. This movie clearly brings out how a humble and brave son-of-the-soil citizen from Punjab stood against the terror, as the protector of the faith and the freedom of the people of entire subcontinent.
After watching the movie, the eyes of every mother were filled with tears, and the men hid their tears behind their masculinity while the kids were glued to the screen for entire 90 minutes.
Everyone walked out in a calm and reflective state of mind thinking about Bhai Sahib Jee's character and image.
The message and mindset brought out by the theme Shabad, Sir Javay Taan Javay Mera Sikhi Sidak Na Javay ~ “One can take my head, but not my submission to the Divine”, will inspire individuals from everywhere from generation-to-generation, in coming decades and centuries to come.
A Marvelous must-watch movie!! A Great Inspiring Source!! A Precious community Asset!!
Related links :
(Extract of reviews from Punjabi Portal and Sikhnet)
Vismaad vlo'n boht vaddi sewa kiti gyi hai
Guru sahib aap nu chardian kala bakshan
A MUST WATCH MOVIE FOR ALL SIKHS and pls buy original cds.
Gurfateh ji