combine in the recenty SGPC Elections
Amritsar Sahib, Punjab (KP) - Along with Hindus, Muslims, and other non-Sikhs casting their votes in the recent Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) elections, it was observed that members of the notorious Sirsa based Sacha Sauda cult also openly interfered and participated in the SGPC polls which is open only to Sikhs.
This is a direct violation of various Hukamnamas issued from Sri Akal Takht Sahib against the Sirsa based Sacha Sauda cult that is responsible for the murder of several innocent Sikhs and for blasphemous acts against the Sikh faith.
The poll participation by Sauda cult was openly allowed and encouraged by the ruling authorities and was concentrated in southern districts of Mansa and Sangrur where the controversial cult holds public sway.
Ironically, the Jathedars of the Takhts who had issued the Hukamnamas against the cult in 2007 and had recently threatened to summon the Prime Minster of India over the Sahijdhari voting rights issue are suspiciously silent in regards to the entire controversy.
Despite the legal and Panthic restraints, thousands of non-Sikhs have openly cast their votes in the SGPC elections.
AISSF To Challenge Validity of SGPC Elections
The All India Sikh Students Federation (AISSF) and other Sikh organizations have initiated formal complaints before the Punjab & Haryana High Court requesting the invalidation of the recent Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) elections in which widespread fraud was openly observed.
No actions was taken by the Authorities
The AISSF stated that the official voter lists for the SGPC election contains many non-Sikh last names, and that thousands of individuals with shorn, trimmed hair, and shaven faces were allowed to vote - a direct violation of the election law by the ruling Akal Dal Badal Government and the Sant-Samaj alliance.
Advocate Navkiran Singh, a noted human rights lawyer will be filing a public interest litigation (PIL) before the High Court on behalf of the AISSF.
In a press release, the AISSF stated that it has already presented the evidence and documentation of widespread fraud and voter rigging to Retired Justice HS Brar, Chief Commissioner of the Gurdwara Election Commission.
Videos of Election Readily Available
Although the Chief Commissioner has asked all local commissioners who oversaw the election process to investigate and submit a report immediately in regards to unlawful activities, video and photographic footage of booth capturing and non-Sikhs voting at the polls were widely televised in the media and readily available online.
Most independent observers predict little or no action will be taken by the Chief Commissioner of Elections, who himself is appointed by the ruling Akali Government, and therefore cannot carry out his inquiry in an independent capacity.
Jathedars, Akalis, Sants Playing Dangerous Game
Both the Badal Akali Dal and the Sant-Samaj had stated just days before the election that they were against the right of 'Sahijdharis' to vote in SGPC elections. The election is over and it is clear who has benefitted from the votes casts by thousands of non-Sikhs, including Hindus, Muslims, and Sirsa cultists.
The Jathedars and the Sant Samaj seem to be playing a dangerous game with the sentiments of the Sikh community by illustrating that to them Sri Akal Takht Hukamnamas and laws are only to be obeyed if they are to their benefit only.
If this type of lopsided behavior continues, history will not judge them too kindly.
It was not unfortunate, it was a deliberate ploy to cheat and mislead the polls; the corruption allegations and shadow of personal invested interests upon Makker and the current delay in releasing the results of the poll; coupled with the Akali Sant Samaj United front shows just how much interests these people have in stimulating Sikhi proper and guarding vested interests of Sikhs than winning the polls for their own interest and the finacial gain.
The Government of India's so called "co-incidental" refusal to recognize the Sikh Anand Marriage, and need for an act on the marriage finally the withdrawal of the Court Stay on the Sehadhari issue and finally doing a reversal withdrawal on the issue shows they were out to harm the Sikh Vested Interests and Sikh people; by interfering in their religion.The suggestion by AISSF to Challenge Validity of SGPC Elections in courts should be made a reality by concerned Sikhs.
Badal's son is on his full heights of being dropped down and I m assuring he is to put in such a torture that he will and must pay for what he is doing, about his father he is just an old man who can die easily in some time.
I cant get that the things they are doing against GURU GRANTH SAHIB JIs hukam.
THEY WILL PAY....................
All the political parties who have been in power recent times (Congress/Badal Dal) have put Punjab on a back-track route, they have financially and socially poisoned Punjab, I grew up on foreign shores but when I look at old video's on youtube it's amazing to see the sight of '500,000 Turbaned Sikh's' attending mass rallies in Amritsar during the 1980's movement, these days all are on drugs/alcohol, what can they do??, the farming sector is finished (look at the water reports from Punjab, which contain traces of lead, uranium), we need a fresh movement of youngsters, who can diversify Punjab's economic sector. For Punjab to thrive, it will require Western Laws/regulations, as currently all these Alcohol distilleries are polluting Punjab by releasing toxic,carcinogenic waste water into local rivers/streams and no one is accountable, I suppose these companies CEO's sleep with Badal. I agree with the above post, Badal & Other's (Politcians) enjoy what you want now, but you shall all answer the True Guru in his court..... Need a Clean Revolution in Punjab, I was following PPP but today's Tribune Paper high lighted even Manpreet has some vested interest's in the Private Bus Companies, headed by Badal..
Need a clean/pure non for profit revolution in Punjab, so the lion's awake and Punjab becomes a Thriving, clean, disease free region!..
"those who cast vote don't elect but those who COUNT VOTE ELECT"
surprising so-called SIKHS were going for voting still!