Leamington Spa (UK) - Khalsa Press has been monitoring the anti-Sikh activities that have been taking place in Leamington & Warwick Gurdwara for some years. The current committee is a coalition of Congress-Communist apostates who have made a strangle hold on the Gurdwara Sahib. The modern day Masands have sunk to a new low by insulting the Panth’s Shaheeds and venerating tyrants who desecrated the Sikhs’ holiest shrine to the same level as the Sikh nation’s martyrs.
For many years the Leamington and Warwick Sangat have been holding an annual Akhand Paatth in remembrance of all the Sikh nation’s Shaheeds (martyrs). In the same spirit, the local Sangat is holding an Akhand Paath, after which Dhadis are going to sing Vaars in tribute to Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh, Shaheed Bhai Satwant Singh, Shaheed Bhai Kehar Singh, Shaheed Bhai Harjinder Singh Jinda and Shaheed Bhai Sukhdev Singh Sukha.
In the lead up to the Akhand Paath, two weeks ago the local Sangat approached a senior member of the Gurdwara management committee about putting up the poster for the Shaheed remember event on the Gurdwara notice board. The gurdwara committee member replied that the poster cannot be put up as some people have complained that it displays photos of Indira Gandhi’s killers. The Sangat explained that the people on the poster are the Sikh nation’s great Shaheeds who have been honoured by Sri Akal Takht Sahib. The committee member replied that if we allow this Akhand Paatth then someone could argue that it is okay to do an Akhand Paatth for Indira Gandhi as she is also a ‘Shaheed’. It is beyond belief and utterly disgusting that a so-called gurdwara committee member can call a tyrant who has the blood of thousands on her hands a ‘Shaheed’.
- Leamington Warwick Gurdwara Management
The Sangat approached some committee members again one week ago about putting up the poster on the notice board. The committee members replied disgracefully that “We only accept those as Shaheeds who are included in the Ardas. We do not accept anyone else as a Shaheed and this poster cannot be put up.”
That Sunday, the Stage Secretary made an announcement on the Gurdwara stage that, “an Akhand Paatth will be held next week by a small section of the Sangat because the whole Sangat does not consider those people Shaheed. Some call them ‘terrorists’ and others ‘Shaheed.’ The Committee only accepts those as Shaheeds who are mentioned in the Ardas. For this reason the poster with these photos will not be allowed to be displayed in the Gurdwara. Only Guru Nanak’s Bani can be preached here, no other thing is allowed here.”
The local Sangat wish to ask the Gurdwara committee, how can the Sikh nation forget those heroes who lifted up the Dastaar of the Sikh nation and honoured the nation. The committee’s consciousness has died that they have forgotten Sikh history. They needed to be reminded that whichever tyrant destroyed Sri Akal Takht Sahib was punished and delivered justice, whether it was Ahmed Shah Abdali, Massa Rangar, Indira Gandhi or General Vaidya.
The whole UK Sikh Sangat is urged to attend the Akhand Paatth bhog at Leamington & Warwick Gurdwara on 13th November where the Sikh nation’s Shaheeds will be remembered and honoured through Dhadi Vaars. The wider Sangat needs to offer their support the local Sangat who are been bullied and cornered for upholding Gurmat and Panthic ideals.
It was the Stage Secretary Ranjit Hayer who spoke against shaheeds on stage in front of the Sangat on 6th November. He spoke from 10am for 50 minutes and spewed utter filth against the Panth's Shaheeds and refused to put up the Shaheedi Akhand Paath poster because he said the people on the poster (i.e. Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh, Bhai Satwant Singh and Bhai Kehar Singh) are "terrorists."
Committee member, Joga Singh, made the comment about doing an Akhand Paath for Indira Gandhi as he said she was also a 'shaheed'.
Totally appalling. I am glad that today the Panthic leaders and Sikh Channel UK attended the Shaheedi Akhand Paath and the committee gave in and had to declare that every year they will hold a Shaheedi Akhand Paath and they made a statement that Shaheed Bhai Beant Singh, Satwant Singh, Kehar Singh, Sukhdev Singh Sukha and Harjinder Singh Jinda are not terrorists but respected Shaheeds of the Panth.
The Khalsa will always be victorious.