| Dastar Incident Deplorable: Sikh Council UK (europe) - Sikh Council UK
| | | Plans to Shut Down 120 Year Old Khalsa College Amritsar Shocking - Sikh Council UK (europe) - Panthic.org
| Sunderland Sikh Association agrees to stop meat and alcohol parties in Gurdwara complex (europe) - Panthic.org
| | | Hopes for a Sikh Secondary School in Slough, UK (europe) - Panthic.org
| Ramgarhia Sikh Temple Agrees to Stop Meat and Alcohol Parties at Hall (europe) - Panthic.org European Sevadars
| | | Grays Gurdwara Committee agrees to adhere to Akaal Takht Sandesh (europe) - Panthic.org
| Alert: Rapist Thug Pehova Saadh in UK (europe) - Panthic.org
| | | Edinburgh Gurdwara Committee adheres to Akal Takht Sandesh (europe) - UK Sevadars
| Slough Ramgarhia Gurdwara violates Sikh Maryada (europe) - UK Sevadars
| | | UK Sangat Prevents Beadbi at Grays Gurdwara (europe) - UK Sewadars
| Six Sikhs Sentenced to Prison in Vienna Ramanand Trial (europe) - Panthic.org
| | | Anti-Sikh Sangat Allows Meat, Alcohol and Parties at UK Gurdwara (europe) - Panthic.org - UK Sevadars
| UK Sikh Sangat Squashes Ragi Function in Southall (europe) - Panthic.org
| | | The Butcher of Punjab Becomes a Human Rights Rep at UN (europe) - Courtesy: NewsBlaze
| Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Kalgi was Sold at 1898 UK Auction (europe) - National Sikh Heritage Centre and Holocaust Museum, Derby, UK
| | | 1976 report by W.G. Archer regarding the Kalgi and Sword of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Uncovered (europe) - National Sikh Heritage Centre and Holocaust Museum
| UK Ravidas Sect Attempts to Create Hate Crimes Amongst Sikhs (europe) - Panthic.org
| | | UK Sikh Organizations Release Statements on Vienna Incident (europe) - Sikh Federation & Federation of Sikh Organizations, UK
| Finland Heretics to be summoned by Akal Takht Sahib for Violating Hukam (europe) - Panthic.org
| | | Two More England Gurdwaras Sahib Catch Fire within Days (europe) - Manvir Singh Khalsa
| Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Bani Disrespected at various UK events (europe) - Panthic.org
| | | Fire Continues to Burn in British Sikh Sangat (europe) - Panthic.org
| FSO UK Press Release on Boycott of HS Dilgeer (europe) - Federation of Sikh Organisations U.K.
| | | Pro-Kala Afghana Writer Harjinder Dilgeer Banned by European Sikh Sangat (europe) - Panthic.org
| UK's Sikh Youth Group Promoting RSS & Hindu Sanatanist Websites (europe) - Panthic.org
| | | Bhai Harvinder Singh of Belgium Unconditionally Released from Prison (europe) - Panthic.org
| UK Sikh School neglects care of Gurdwara (europe) - Panthic.org
| | | Vedanti Honored Again for Khalistan Comments (europe) - Panthic.org